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JustPeace Campaign Page

The Greens oppose any invasion of Iraq

  • There is simply no evidence that Iraq presents any immediate danger to its neighbours or the rest of the world.
  • An invasion would violate international law and the United Nations Charter, which seeks to resolve disputes between nations in a peaceful manner.
  • An invasion would lead to many civilian deaths, plus the deaths of soldiers on both sides.
  • George W. Bush’s aims have more to do with expanding American power and control of oil reserves rather than concerns about weapons of mass destruction.

Help stop this unjust war!

  • Lobby and write letters to the Prime Minister, Ministers and MPs (particularly your local MPs) asking them not to provide support to US aggression.
  • Protest against the war in your community. Encourage others to do the same.
  • Vote against politicians and parties who support war.

The Greens call on the Government to:

Go on a peace offensive inside and outside the UN.

Resolve all questions on Iraq’s weapons in a non-violent manner.

Defend the role of the UN as a peacemaker.

Oppose all US arm-twisting of the UN to support a war.

Speak out against what the US and UK are doing to Iraq right now.

They are bombing in the so-called ”No Fly zones” and blocking humanitarian aid. The latter has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis from malnutrition and illness.

Expose as criminal the type of war Bush intends to conduct.

Cluster bombs, fuel-air explosives and depleted uranium weapons will cause immense devastation. The US has also not ruled out the use of bunker-busting nuclear bombs. There is also a clear intention to destroy electricity and water supply structures, which will endanger the lives of ordinary people.

Withdraw the frigate Te Mana from the Persian Gulf and don’t send the Orion aircraft.

They will be helping the US prepare for an invasion by tracking and searching ships passing through the Gulf.

Stop softening its criticism of Bush in pursuit of a free trade agreement.

This agreement is not in New Zealand’s best interests. Even if it were, it would still be immoral to trade Iraqi lives for New Zealand profits.

For more information on the Greens ‘JustPeace’ campaign contact:

Keith Locke

Green MP and spokesperson for Defence

Tel (04) 470 6709


Green [dot] Party


parliament [dot] govt [dot] nz

Freepost Parliament Buildings, Wellington

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