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Government cannot see the Forest for the Trees

Far from ‘streamlining and simplifying’, the Government’s Resource Management Act (RMA) reforms will mean more bureaucracy and skyrocketing costs for local councils and ratepayers. “The Government wants to eliminate protection for trees by making it too expensive to protect them,” Green Party Auckland MP Keith Locke said today. The proposed law change means that every council will have to individually list each tree it wants to protect in its council plan, rather than protecting them in groups.

Auckland Greens support carpooling and the bus drivers

The Greens are taking the carpooling message on to Auckland's roads tomorrow morning, displaying three banners promoting the 'www.carshare.co.nz' website at strategic points around the city.

Appropriations – Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Audit Office and Ombudsmen

The Greens are supporting this report about the alterations to the appropriations for Audit New Zealand, the Ombudsmen and the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment.

Greens welcome an Auckland air freshener

Auckland Green MP Keith Locke has welcomed plans to introduce emission testing with Warrants of Fitness.

Island memorial is people’s choice, say Greens

The Green Party is calling on the Auckland City Council and the Government to listen to the voice of the people, when it comes to deciding the most appropriate memorial for Sir Peter Blake.

Greens urge Govt to back island memorial for “adventurer”

Deputy Prime Minister Michael Cullen and Auckland City Mayor John Banks seem to forget that Sir Peter Blake was an adventurer, Auckland Green MP Keith Locke said today.

Locke Supports Electrification of West Auckland Rail Line

Auckland Green MP and Associate Transport Spokesperson, Keith Locke, today welcomed the new public transport plan for Auckland, and called on the Government to ensure that Transfund adequately supported the scheme.

Ten-second rule not the full answer for smoky vehicles

Auckland Green MP Keith Locke said today the Government should have takena more scientific approach to vehicle emissions than the

Greens question Govt over Auckland air election promise

Auckland Green MP Keith Locke today said the onus was on the Government to deliver on its election promise and take immediate and decisive action to tackle Auckland's air pollution problems.