The Green Party is calling on the Auckland City Council and the Government to listen to the voice of the people, when it comes to deciding the most appropriate memorial for Sir Peter Blake.
“We hope this week’s Auckland City Council meeting takes note of the overwhelming public support for the purchase of Kaikoura Island,” Auckland Green MP Keith Locke said today. “Yesterday’s Forest and Bird conference also added its support for buying the island as a memorial to Sir Peter.
“I’m sure a modest exhibit at the National Maritime Museum would educate many people on Sir Peter’s many achievements, but surely an island in the Hauraki Gulf is the most appropriate memorial for a great sailor, adventurer and conservationist.
“The Green Party will continue to press the Government to acknowledge this,” said Keith Locke. “A first step would be for the Conservation Minister to endorse the $1 million grant for the purchase being offered by the Nature Heritage Fund.
“With public interest at its peak, Auckland City and the nation shouldn’t pass up the opportunity to purchase an island which would be so useful for public recreation and the appreciation of our natural heritage.
“Auckland’s population is growing rapidly, and public access the Gulf Islands will be of growing importance to future generations. Aucklanders would look back and condemn us for not securing Kaikoura Island when we had the chance