JustTrade Campaign

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The Green Party believes that fair, safe and environmentally sustainable trade has an important role to play in improving our standard of living and our quality of life.

Unfortunately, most trade in goods in the world today is not fair. Transnational corporations make huge profits; poor countries and poor people go deeper into debt and poverty. Nor is it sustainable – natural resources are plundered unsustainably, and unnecessary trade in goods leads to rising carbon emissions that lead to climate change. Much trade in goods is also very unsafe. Pests and diseases are spread around the globe, toxic chemicals are used in a vain attempt to control their spread, and there is pressure to trade in unsafe or potentially unsafe products like genetically engineered foods.

Trade in services can also be unfair and exploitative, and endanger our cultural heritage and our political sovereignty and democratic rights, as well as our environment.

The second round of negotiations on the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is currently taking place at the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Follow links for how you can

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The Green Party is the lone voice in Parliament against free trade agreements.