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In this “JustPeace Special – An Antiwar Action List” – you will find where and when you can RALLY this weekend to take part in global days of action against war on Iraq; where you can SIGN ON to on-line petitions; what you can WEAR to show opposition to the war; who you can WRITE to expressing your view; how to ADVERTISE your opposition; and who to LOBBY against the war.
New actions are being organised all the time – if you don’t see your town in this list then check out
the Peace Movement Aotearoa website
from which we gained knowledge on many of the following events and which is being regularly updated.
Green antiwar leaflets to hand out on marches, at picnics, etc. can be ordered from
tim [dot] hannah
parliament [dot] govt [dot] nz
(Tim Hannah)
, phone (04) 470 6709. These do cost money to produce so a koha would be welcomed. Hurry!
Recycle small Green coreflute placards from the last election by taping antiwar messages on the blank side; make your own banners and signs. Promote the Green antiwar campaign by using JustPeace on your signs.
If you want a weekly update on antiwar news, action and analysis, subscribe to the weekly Green e-bulletin JustPeace by sending a SUBSCRIBE JUSTPEACE e-mail to
keith [dot] locke
parliament [dot] govt [dot] nz
(Keith Locke)
AUCKLAND Saturday, Feb 1512 noon – assemble QEII Square for march up Queen St. Contacts: John Minto
xtra [dot] co [dot] nz
or Mike Treen
pl [dot] net
Sunday, Feb 161 – 7 p.m., Potters Park, Peace in the Park, entertainers and speakers. Contacts: John Minto and Mike Treen, as above.
THAMES Saturday, Feb 15 9.15 meet outside St James Church to include a march up Pollen St to Mary Street and stopping at War Memorial Hall. Many travelling on to Auckland for major rally – Harry Ph 07 868 6641
HAMILTON Saturday, Feb 1512 noon, Garden Place, ‘Gathering For Peace’ in Garden Place Dan & Jo (phone Dan 07 8569139)
OPOTIKI Saturday, Feb 1510:45am, assemble De Luxe Cinema, Church St, Lynne 07 315 4646
WHAKATANE Saturday, Feb 1512.30pm, assemble near the Skateboard Bowl for a ‘Walk for Peace’ along the Strand, ending at the Information Centre for a rally.
ROTORUA Saturday, Feb 1511am, assemble at City Focus, Hinemoa St, ending at State House for a rally.
GISBORNE Saturday Feb 1511 a.m., assemble outside Caltex Garage Gladstone St, walk to Wi Pere Memorial Contact Catherine Delahunty 868 1905
HASTINGS Saturday Feb 15from 11am – Concert on the new stage in the Hastings Central City area, featuring local performers from 1pm – Peace in the Park, Civic Square (by the library), bring a picnic, fun activities for young and old! Peace Movement Hawkes Bay, Liz tel (06) 875 1234
WANGANUI Saturday, Feb 15time to be announced, Majestic Square, vigil. Contact: Peter 06 345 0634,
PALMERSTON NORTH Thursday, Feb 1311:45 a.m., assemble railway land, Pitt St, march to and around Square to Te Maere o Hine 12:30, soapbox and songs Manawatu Peace Collective, 06 357 7882,
Saturday, Feb 2212 noon, the Square, Family Peace Picnic, bring a plate to share. Contacts: Ross 06 359 4681, Fiona 357 5317
WELLINGTON Saturday, Feb 1512 noon, assemble Glover Park, Ghuznee St, march to Midland Park, rally with speakers. Peace Action Wellington 04 382 8129,
NELSON Saturday, Feb 15Peace Walk, starting at 11.00 am at Wakatu Square to Cathedral steps.
TAKAKA SAT, Feb 15 Peace Walk and Demonstration – meet at 10am in the
Information Centre car park with placards etc, walk down Commercial St to
Village Green, where there will be a PA system for speeches, music,
anything you like, and circle dancing. Organised by Golden Bay Peace Group
and Golden Bay Quakers, for more info contact tel (03) 525 9576
WESTPORT Saturday Feb 15, Peace Rally/Gathering with placards Post Office corner (Palmerston street) at Westport at 11am – Pete Lusk Ph 03 789 5334.
GREYMOUTH Saturday, Feb 152 p.m., DP:One Café, 108 Mawhera Quay, inaugural meeting of West Coast Peace Group. Paul Maunder 03 732 4010 Rev Alan Cummins 03 768 7667
CHRISTCHURCH Saturday, Feb 151 p.m., Victoria Square, Peace Picnic, entertainers, bring a white flower. Peace Action Network 03 981 2825
TIMARU Thursday, 13 Feb5.30pm Peace On the Piazza opposite Hydro Grand hotel, or if wet, Bay Hall. Music by Vicki and Friends, messages of peace, lighting of peace candles, release of peace doves; and for those wishing to stay, there will be dances of universal peace, with Shafia Stevens. Nance Hammond, tel (03) 684 4608
DUNEDIN Saturday, Feb 1511:45 a..m., assemble Otago Museum, march to Octagon, 12:30 p.m. rally/picnic in Octagon
Sign On
1.To the ”Not In Our Name” petition organised by Peace Movement Aotearoa (Not in our name will you wage endless war…)
Not in Our Name Aotearoa/New Zealand is now available on-line on the
PMA website
A White Ribbon for Peace.
“Soon many thousands of Britons [and Kiwis?] will be wearing white ribbons as a mark of their opposition to the proposed Bush-Blair attack on Iraq.
The White Ribbons for Peace, similar to those used to raise HIV awareness, are being launched this Wednesday February 12 in the British House of Commons as a joint initiative by the Green Party, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Campaign Against the Arms Trade, together with satirist and peace activist Mark Thomas.”
You could sell white ribbons (and pins) at peace rallies and picnics and donate the proceeds to a humanitarian relief charity.
To the Prime Minister, Helen Clark; the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Phil Goff); and your electorate MP (all at Parliament Buildings, Wellington – no stamp required) expressing your opposition to war on Iraq and calling on the NZ government and all NZ parliamentarians to work actively to oppose it. To the Members of the Security Council, asking them to oppose/use their veto against war on Iraq. (A list of names/addresses is available from
christine [dot] dann
clear [dot] net [dot] nz
.) To the papers, presenting the arguments against attacking Iraq. (Emails to NZ newspapers can be sent via the
write a letter page
on the Green website).
Your opposition to war on Iraq. If you would like to support the initiative by Green Party member Richard Jakob-Hof to take out a full page ad against war in a major newspaper (total cost $8,000) contact him via
tim [dot] hannah
parliament [dot] govt [dot] nz
for a sample copy of the proposed ad, plus arrangements for making a donation.
Your electorate MP and your local list MPs. Make appointments to see them (take a group if you want) and talk to them about why they should be actively opposing the war, and supporting positive initiatives to prevent it.
Check out the
PMA website
for copies of articles you can take to support your arguments, and also go to
for extra information on good websites to check.