Green Party Auckland Transport Spokesperson Keith Locke today added his voice to that of the Auckland Regional Council’s in calling for a boycott of Mobil, and also drew attention to the company’s anti-Kyoto stance.
“ARC Chair Philip Warren has my support in boycotting Mobil as they are the only major oil company holding out against the ARC initiative to reduce sulphur levels in Auckland’s diesel fuel,” Mr Locke said.
Mr Locke said the boycott targetted a company which was not only stalling a commonsense measure to improve Auckland’s air quality but were also undermining global efforts to reduce greenhouse gases that are responsible for global warming.
“Mobil have run a comprehensive PR campaign against the Kyoto Protocol which seeks to limit the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,” he said.
“Mobil is also a major financial backer of United States President George W. Bush who has withdrawn the US from the Kyoto Protocol”, said Mr Locke.
Mobil gave over $1,000,000 to George W. Bush’s Republicans last year.
“I call on all fuel consumers to use their buying power to boycott Mobil. In this way we can pressure Mobil to act as a responsible corporate citizen to reduce sulphur levels in their diesel and to protect the planet from the devastating effect of global warming.”
Keith Locke: 09 3770149