Auckland Green MP Keith Locke has called for a halt to any further progress of Auckland’s proposed Eastern Corridor in the light of spiralling costs.
The estimated costs of the Eastern Corridor, attempting to link Auckland City and the Eastern suburbs, had escalated from $500 m to just under $3 billion.
“It is absurd to spend that amount of money when for half as much, $1.5 billion, we could get Auckland’s rail network fully modernised and humming,” said Mr Locke, the Green Associate Transport spokesperson.
“Having a decent public transport system would do much more to reduce Auckland’s traffic congestion than such a highway.
“There would be no need for a second harbour crossing if we can get our rail, bus and ferry network up to the international standards of a modern city.
“The aim should be to get people out of their cars and into public transport.
“Building the highway would only pour more cars into the central city, which is the last thing we need,” said Mr Locke.