Greens want Police inquiry made public

The Green Party has welcomed the announcement of a Commission of Inquiry into the systematic issues raised by the alleged failure of the police to properly investigate rape allegations against former Rotorua police officers.

However the Greens are concerned that the Commission of Inquiry Act 1908, under which the “framework investigation” will be carried out, does not adequately guarantee a fully public process.

“The commission’s terms of reference should specifically allow the public to make submissions so that the inquiry head cannot impose arbitrary definitions of who is, and isn’t, an ‘interested person’,” said Keith Locke, Green Spokesperson on the Police.

“Public hearings should be held wherever possible so the process is open to scrutiny, as this inquiry will determine the nature of future investigations into Police behaviour and, possibly, the practical jurisdiction of the Police Complaints Authority.

“Only then can the public have true confidence in the inquiry process and the integrity of the police.”