Green Party MP Keith Locke is putting on a free bus service for four hours tomorrow to promote better public transport as a key contribution to fighting global warming.
The free bus will be running Friday, November 3 from 10am to 2pm on a route starting at Britomart and travelling around a Queen St – Karangahape Rd – Pitt St – Greys Ave – Mayoral Drive – Queen St loop.
The event is part of a worldwide effort to promote solutions to climate change that will mark the International Day of Action on Climate Change on Saturday, November 4.
“We need a much faster shift to public transport if New Zealand is reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet its Kyoto targets,” said Mr Locke, the party’s spokesperson on Auckland transport issues.
“At each stop we will be picking up people and distributing leaflets on climate change and the Greens’ public transport solution.
“We’re glad that Helen Clark has finally acknowledged the importance of climate change, and the role public transport can play in addressing it. We now want to see her put her money where he mouth is – and re-direct some of the projected spending on Auckland’s new motorways, which only encourage car use, into better rail and bus services.
“The Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) has been screaming out for an extra $700 million of government money to properly revamp the rail system with new electrified lines and trains, and an underground city rail loop beyond Britomart to Mt Eden.
“Hopefully Ms Clark’s awareness of the climate change problem will translate itself into greater enthusiasm for solutions being offered by ARTA and its parent body, the Auckland Regional Council.”