Balibo movie – a must see

On Monday I attended an Amnesty International preview screening of


a stunning drama on the 1975 execution of five Australian TV journalists by Indonesian troops invading East Timor.

I thoroughly recommend


both as a gripping film and for its political message. The local actors were particularly effective, no doubt because they were portraying the real life agony of their people during the invasion.

An official Australian Police investigation of the murders has been started, and the Wellington City Council is involved in putting a memorial to Gary Cunningham on Mt Victoria. You are privileged to be able to see the film. Indonesians can’t because the government has banned it – although DVDs are circulating like wildfire. For more information see the film website:


I have followed 35 years of coverups of the Balibo Five murders by successive Australian and New Zealand governments – neither wanting to offend Indonesia. Our government has portrayed the Balibo case as an ‘Australian matter’ even though one of those killed, Gary Cunningham, was a Kiwi. This film has changed the landscape.