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Tag: Parliament and Politics

Locke reselected as Epsom candidate

Green MP Keith Locke has again been selected as the Green candidate for Epsom at a meeting held last night in Greenlane.

Appropriation (Funding for Parliamentary Purposes) Bill

There is not really any alternative to this Appropriation (Continuation of Interim Meaning of Funding for Parliamentary Purposes) Bill if Parliament is to operate properly, particularly in the 3 month

Speech to Auckland Act Party Conference

First, I would like to thank Rodney for his invitation to speak to you today. To some it might seem unusual that a Green MP is speaking at your conference, given that our political philosophies, ta

Crimes (Repeal of Seditious Offences) Amendment Bill – First Reading

The Greens will be supporting this bill to remove the sedition laws from the statute book. Those laws are not consistent with a vibrant democracy or with our New Zealand Bill of Rights Act.

Sustainable world cup a goal for Mallard

Trevor Mallard's Eden Park stadium plan has received a tentative Mexican wave from the Green Party.

Motion in House to commemorate Hungarian uprising

Green MP Keith Locke will today move a motion in Parliament to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian uprising.

Parliamentary Tribute to Rod Donald (Keith)

Yesterday I spent some time in Christchurch with my dear friend Rod in his beautiful home, and spent some time with his lovely wife and his daughters. It was just so sad, looking at Rod, so still a

Audioblog # 32 – Keith on the final day

Today's seventh audioblog (mp3, 0.9MB, 7.25mins) is Keith talking about Auckland's public transport system, voting Green to keep out Brash, and the race in Epsom.

Greens support pledge’s community policing focus

The Green Party supports Labour's commitment to more community police, Police Spokesperson Keith Locke says.