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Tag: Courts and Corrections

Green MP calls for investigation into police behaviour

Police Minister George Hawkins should implement an independent investigation of police culture after revelations that it is common practice in stations around the country to photograph prisoners being humiliated by officers.

Inquiry into Crown Law needed over Zaoui debacle

The Greens are calling for an inquiry into the Crown Law Office in the wake of its failure to win any of the five legal proceedings against Ahmed Zaoui.

A great day for justice

Green MP Keith Locke has hailed the Supreme Court decision to consider Ahmed Zaoui's application for bail as a

Locke calls on Government to condemn all war crimes

Green MP Keith Locke has challenged the government to speak out against American war crimes in Fallujah in the same way that it has condemned the terrorist bombing of civilian targets in Baghdad.

Wilson in Wonderland with Zaoui comments

Green MP Keith Locke has welcomed the latest decision against the Government's attempts to gag Ahmed Zaoui.

Brutal mistreatment of prisoners cannot be ignored

Green MP Keith Locke says threats by the Justice Minister to appeal compensation awarded to five prisoners for severe mistreatment send the message that prisoners have no human rights and 'deserve' whatever brutality they encounter in jail.

UN human rights watchdog slams NZ on Zaoui detention law

Green MP Keith Locke says the Government should rethink its detention of Ahmed Zaoui in the light of strong criticism from the UN Committee Against Torture.

Corrections Bill – Second Reading

The Green Party, of course, is supporting this bill. My colleague Nandor Tanczos sat in on the select committee hearings on the bill.

Crimes and Misconduct (Overseas Operations) Bill

I rise on behalf of the Green Party to support this bill and its purpose. It was motivated by the commitment to the Solomon Islands.