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Tag: Courts and Corrections

Keith Locke returns for the Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Bill...

"It is a fundamental principle of law that people engaged in court proceedings have the right to access the law as...

Keith Locke on the Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Bill –...

The essence of this is that this Government is overriding one of the most important laws on our statute book—that is, the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act

Keith Locke on the Policing (Storage of Youth Particulars) Amendment Bill...

National and Labour are using the fact that there was not a lot of debate about this provision when the Policing Act went through in 2008—in fact, there was no debate about this provision—to say that somehow the intention of the legislation is the way they want it: that particulars could be kept by the police of basically the whole range of people involved in youth offending who have come before the Youth Court.

Keith Locke on the Courts and Criminal Matters Bill – second...

KEITH LOCKE (Green): The Courts and Criminal Matters Bill does

Appropriate compensation for victims: Keith’s speech at the committee stages of...

One of the problems with the Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims (Expiry and Application Dates) Amendment Bill—and it is a problem with the Act that came into force under the last Government—is that it gives the impression that victims are getting serious financial compensation. In fact, they are not. It is just crumbs from the table for a few victims. The real question of proper compensation for all victims of crime is not addressed in this bill.

Sentencing and Parole Bill – Keith’s speeches In Committee

This bill will not reduce the incidence of violence in our prisons or society.

The future of civil liberties in New Zealand: Speech at the...

Keith discusses the erosion of civil liberties in recent legislation.