


Keith questions the Minister of Defence on US/NZ role in Afghanistan

Afghanistan, Bamiyan Provincial Reconstruction Team Base—United States Personnel

Keith Locke questions the Minister of Defence on the SAS – Tiger International raid in Afghanistan

Did the SAS ever hold staff in the building at gunpoint, depriving them of their liberty?

Keith Locke’s written questions on the Nobel Peace Prize and China

Keith Locke to the Minister of Foreign Affairs:

Challenging the Search & Surveillance Bill – Keith Locke’s Question to the Minister of Justice

KEITH LOCKE (Green)to the Minister of Justice: Does he agree with the International Federation of Journalists that if the Search and Surveillance Bill proceeds in its present form it will

Keith Locke to the Prime Minister about Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo

KEITH LOCKE (Green) to the Prime Minister: Will he follow the example of world leaders Barack Obama and Angela Merkel and congratulate the latest Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo; if not, why not?

Keith Locke defends workplace access for union representatives

 KEITH LOCKE (Green) to the Minister of Labour: Why is the Government introducing legislation to restrict union access to workplaces when the Department of Labour advises that there is no “widespread evidence” of union representatives misusing the current system?

Keith Locke to the Minister of Agriculture about the surveillance of animal rights campaigner Rochelle Rees

KEITH LOCKE to the Minister of Agriculture: Will he ask the Pork Industry Board if they were aware that Thomson and Clark Investigations were collecting information for them on animal rights campaigner Rochelle Rees by means of a tracking device planted under her car; if not, why not?

Will the Government call for the immediate lifting of Israel’s economic blockade of Gaza?

Keith Locke's question to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

NZ sponsorship of Burmese officials’ study in NZ – Keith’s question in the House

6. What are the job titles of the three Burmese Government officials sponsored via the Minister of Foreign Affairs to study in New Zealand, and what checks were made by the Ministry to ensure that the officials had not held controversial roles in the Burmese regime?