Just Peace #107

latest news

Police found to have mishandled threat assessment of Zaoui

Green Party Immigration spokesperson, Keith Locke, has been pressing for Ahmed Zaoui’s wife and four children to be able to come here at least for the period that his case is being considered. The case is now likely to drag on for at least five years, through no fault of Mr Zaoui. The bumbling of the Police in the case was exposed in a Police Complaints Authority decision, brought down after a complaint from former Progressive MP Matt Robson.

Read the two releases Keith Locke issued on the case

press release 1


press release 2

Read the NZ Herald story

Papuan music censored in New Zealand festival

‘Merdeka’ meaning ‘freedom’, in the title of a piece of music led to its exclusion from the Asia Pacific Festival in Wellington this month: the Indonesian Embassy successfully sought the withdrawal of Martin Wesley-Smith’s piece ‘Papua Merdeka’.

Read the open letter of protest


Super Fund invests in warmakers

A Green Party investigation into the ethics of investments made by the New Zealand Superannuation Fund found that some of the money was going into companies that produce nuclear weapons and cluster bombs, tobacco companies and firms associated with environmental despoliation and the violation of human rights.

Green Co-leader Russel Norman issued a report,

Betting the Bank on the Bomb

, detailing the problem and revealing that Labour’s New Zealand Super Fund has invested millions of dollars in businesses that the Norway Pension Fund will not touch on ethical grounds.

Betting the Bank on the Bomb (pdf 160mb)


The Greens raised the question in the House, last Wednesday, including the following exchange:

Jeanette Fitzsimons asked the Prime Minister

: Does she stand by her statement yesterday that “New Zealand can aim to be the first nation to be truly sustainable – across the four pillars of the economy, society, the environment, and nationhood.”; if so, is she confident that the investments of the New Zealand Superannuation Fund are consistent with this goal?

The Prime Minister replied

: Yes, I stand by the statement I made yesterday. The legislation setting the mandate for investment in the Superannuation Fund is consistent with that goal, but it may be able to be improved to give better guidance to the fund.

Keith Locke then asked

: How is the $17.7 million Superannuation Fund investment in cluster bomb manufacturers such as Lockheed Martin consistent with her vision of a sustainable nation, and does that investment not undermine the statement made last Friday by Phil Goff, the Minister of Defence, that “New Zealand is at the forefront of international moves to limit the humanitarian impact of cluster munitions.”?

To which the Prime Minister replied

: Some of these international conglomerates have many arms. It is, I think, a matter for legitimate debate as to whether something in one of those arms is so dominant that the whole company should not be invested in it. The New Zealand Superannuation Fund should be taking a close look at how funds in other progressive nations like ours actually invest.

The Prime Minster did indicate support of Maryan Street’s Private Members Bill that would look at this issue.

Read the press release


For an insightful and concerning analysis on US plans for Iran read John Pilger’s latest article ‘A war is coming’. He argues that the United States, as a means of ‘buying time’ for its disaster in Iraq, is planning what will be a catastrophic attack on Iran.

A war is coming

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    hannah [dot] scott


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  • A fortnightly Green bulletin of peace news, actions and analysis.
  • JustPeace is produced by Keith locke MP and Hannah Scott.
  • Previous issues of JustPeace:


  • Subscribe or unsubscribe: email

    hannah [dot] scott


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 Keith Locke

Keith Locke speaking at the Waihopai spy base


Negligent Neighbour: book launched

‘Negligent Neighbour: New Zealands Complicity in the Invasion and Occupation of Timor Leste’ by Maire Leadbeater (Craig Potton Publishing)

Kerry Nettle in Israel and Palestine

Watch this blog as Kerry examines the impact of the wall on communities.

Anti-war March:

4th anniversary of Iraq’s invasion

Saturday, 17 March

Auckland The continuing war in Iraq and escalating threats against Iran make organising antiwar action this March 17 an urgent priority. GPJA needs people to help organise as big a protest as possible.

Student strike against investment in war

12 noon

Wednesday, March 20

Auckland University Quad

Auckland University Students for Justice in Palestine is calling for all students, youth and citizens to attend a rally and march to call for the NZ Super Fund to divest from 12 companies that are either producing nuclear weapons, producing cluster bombs, causing massive ecological destruction or committing systematic human rights and labour violations.

Media coverage of the Middle East conflict: course

Wednesday, 28 March

7:30 pm.

Room 039

ClockTower Bldg No. 105

22 Princes Street, Auckland Fee: $22.50

Tutor: Mike McRoberts and Tuma Hazou

Auckland University Coverage of the Middle East conflict is often criticised by both Palestinians and Israelis as being unbalanced and biased. This course explores the issues involved for media.
