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Tag: Industrial Relations

Keith Locke’s valedictory speech

"I’ve waved Tibetan and West Papuan flags on the steps of Parliament, presented a nuke-free NZ badge to Hillary Clinton —...

Keith Locke on the Employment Relations (Secret Ballot for Strikes) Amendment...

KEITH LOCKE (Green): A previous National speaker spoke about unions versus union members, whi

Keith Locke on the Employment Relations (Secret Ballot for Strikes) Amendment...

"This is the ultimate nanny State: the State is controlling such an intimate thing as how people in a voluntary organisation...

Government employment changes will hit workers hard

Workplace relations will be tipped more than ever in favour of employers from tomorrow, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Keith Locke said today.

Public service used as scapegoat for failed policies

The public sector should not be attacked for the poor state of the government’s books when the real reason for the economy’s parlous state is economic mismanagement, Green Party state sector spokesperson Keith Locke said today.

No four dollar an hour minimum wage in NZ

The Government must make sure that workers in the care sector are paid more than four dollars an hour, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Keith Locke said today.

Employment Relations Amendment Bill (No 2) – Keith Locke, third reading...

KEITH LOCKE (Green): The Green Party will continue to oppose th

Holidays Amendment Bill, Keith Locke – third reading speech

KEITH LOCKE (Green): The Green Party is very strongly opposed t

Keith Locke on the Employment Relations Amendment Bill (No 2) –...

KEITH LOCKE (Green): The assumption behind Michael Woodhouse’s