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Tag: Maori issues

General Debate – peaceful political action

I wish to address the issues raised by the police arrest of 17 people on arms charges and possibly further charges under the Terrorism Suppression Act. I wish first to say that the Green Party is t

Human Rights (One Law For All) Amendment Bill – First Reading

KEITH LOCKE (Green): The Green Party will be opposing the Human Rights (One Law For All) Amendment Bill.

Locke backs Brash / Peters call for independent SIS inquiry

Green MP Keith Locke is supporting Don Brash and Winston Peters' calls this morning for an independent inquiry into allegations that the SIS has been spying on Maori groups.

SIS allegations too serious to ignore, says Locke

Green MP Keith Locke is calling for an inquiry into the Security Intelligence Service following claims from former agents that it has been spying on Maori organisations, including the Maori Party.